Durian is known as the “king of fruits”, featured with unique taste and high nutritional value. This fruit is not only popular in Vietnam but also in many southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
The Varieties Of Durian Popular
Durian Ri6: This is the same durian most popular in Vietnam, is known for rice, thick, floaters, sweetness and fat, just right. Price durian Ri6 ranged from 100,000 – 115,000 vnd/kg.
Durian Cowshed: This variety has small berries, rice soft and greasy. Price durian cowshed around 80,000 – 100,000 vnd/kg.
Durian Melon: There are two types is suffering through the yellow and melon blue. This variety has a sweet ring characteristics and prices approximately 30,000 – 50,000/kg.
Cai Mon Durian: Grown in popularity in Ben Tre, this type has a thin crust and golden rice.
Nutritional Value
Durian is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and fiber. This is your source for great energy and has many health benefits such as strengthening the immune system, improve digestion and provide quick energy.
Techniques For Growing Durian
Seedling: Can be propagated durian method useful properties (seed nursery) or clonal (grafted). Method of grafting is often preferable because for early harvest and of high quality.
Planting and Care: Durian proper grown in the sandy loam soil or alluvial soil. Plants should be watered regularly and avoid waterlogging. The fertilizer and pruning is also very important for the crop to grow well and high productivity.
Pest and Disease Control: Tree durian susceptible to pests such as borers, mealybugs and root rot. The inspection and pest periodically is necessary to ensure healthy plants.
Durian is not just a delicious fruit but also bring great economic value for farmers. With planting techniques and care properly, durian can bring stable income and contribute to the development of agricultural economy of Vietnam.